In de Living Your Design Manual vertelt Ra Uru Hu over zijn ontmoeting met de Voice, een indringende, mystieke ervaring van acht dagen en nachten, de geboorte van het Human Design Systeem.
Eerst kort over het leven van Ra, of scroll door naar zijn verhaal over de Voice.
over het leven van Ra Uru Hu
Ra Uru Hu werd geboren als Alan (Robert) Krakower in Montreal, Canada op 9 april 1948, en bracht daar zijn vroege jaren door.
Nadat hij een Bachelor of Arts-graad had behaald, leidde zijn carrièrepad hem naar de zakenwereld als reclameman, tijdschriftuitgever en mediaproducent. Kunst was belangrijk voor Ra, hij uitte zich zijn hele leven als componist en performer. In 1983 verliet hij Canada om te reizen en streek neer op het eiland Ibiza, waar hij jarenlang als onderwijzer werkte.
In januari 1987 had hij een ongewone mystieke ervaring, gevolgd door een ontmoeting met 'een Stem', een intelligentie die boven alles uitsteeg wat hij ooit had meegemaakt.
In 1989, na zijn ontmoeting met the Voice, schreef Ra Uru Hu de Rave I'Ching, het fundament waarop Human Design rust. De Rave I’Ching is de sleutel van de code van onze genetica. De I'Ching, of Boek der Veranderingen, is het oudste van de Chinese klassieke teksten, dat al meer dan drieduizend jaar wordt gebruikt. Alvast een weetje: onze genen bestaan uit 64 codons, de I’Ching uit 64 Hexagrams, of karakterbeschrijvingen.
Ra wijdde de volgende 25 jaar van zijn leven aan de ontwikkeling en het onderwijzen van het Human Design Systeem over de hele wereld.
Samen met zijn familie woonde hij in de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland en het grootste deel van de tijd op Ibiza, Spanje, waar hij in maart 2011 overleed. (Bron: Jovian Archive)
A Tale of Encounter, by Ra Uru Hu
"I had a house in Ibiza. It was called C'as Coxtu. In the back of the house was an ancient ruina, where the original house had once been. It was abandoned about 300 years ago. All that was left was one room. The rest was broken down walls, but that one room had been fixed, so it could be used as a study or extra bedroom.
I moved into this ruina, into this one room. It had a platform inside, with a desk and a bookshelf, which was full of books and herbs. There was also this one door which had an ancient old key – one of these huge iron keys. Around the time that my daughter was born, I used to draw in diaries. They were symbol diaries of my life and contained no words. They only contained my drawings. On every single page there was a drawing of this key. That was many years before this happened. Anyway, there was this wonderful key that opened this door. A Dutch couple lived nearby. They were fascinated by my life process. I was quite notorious by that stage and considered by most people to be dangerous. The Dutch couple was fascinated with me and they would come once a week and collect me. They would bring me to their house and they would turn on their tape recorder and they would just let me talk. I talked about what I was going through. They would give me a nice lunch and some pesetas, and then they would send me home. It kept me alive.
On January 3rd, 1987, a day like any other day, I visited them as usual. They had picked me up in the morning. I was disturbed that day because I had an enormous pain in my mouth, a toothache. When the day was done, my host said to me: "Do you need anything?" I said: "Do you have anything for a toothache?" and he offered me something homeopathic, which had no effect on me. Then they drove me back to the highway near my ruina.
I lived with a dog named Barley at that time. We climb up the hill and when we got to the top of the hill, there was a terrace. We went along the terrace and as were are walking along the way, in front of me was the original front door of the house. But the only thing that was there was the archway. The walls and the ceiling were gone. You could look through the archway and see the room that the ruina was. The room sat over a cistern, an empty well. The well dried up about two hundred years ago. That is why the house was given up. So this room was sitting over a cavern. Inside of the room there was a butane bottle that ran a little gas stove and above the platform where I slept, hanging from a beam, there was a kerosene lantern. This lantern had never been on because it was out of kerosene and I could not afford either to get it nor did I know where to get it. So I was walking along with Barley, along this terrace, and when I arrived outside of the main entrance to the house, outside the archway, I already began to feel uncomfortable. I didn't know why, but I felt a tightening in my stomach muscles. I stepped through the old archway and I realized there is light underneath my door. This was an ancient Ibiza door. It had this one big iron key. There was only one key. You can't break that lock. It was not the kind of door where you can get in. But it was more than light that disturbed me.
Occasionally, I would have a candle but rarely did I have light. I am an Aries. It is easy for me to go to sleep at five o'clock in the afternoon and get up at four 'clock in the morning. I was standing there and there was light under the door and Barley, who normally goes ahead of me, was behind me. I was very aware of the fact that he was behind me and that he was not interested in all of that. He is not moving. It was the first joke for me because the door was very close to me and I shouted at it. I shouted: "Who is there?" This was my joke. The ruina sits on a hill that goes down into a valley. One the other side, there is a whole ring of hills. So in this night, in the dark with this strip of light under the door, I heard my own voice echoing through the valley. "Who is there?"
As I got closer to the door I thought that maybe the English poet who told me that I could live in this ruina, maybe he had made another key and maybe he was there. So I got closer to the door and I shouted louder into the door only to hear my echo. So I took this magical key out of my pocket. I can remember putting the key in the keyhole and turning it and I pushed the door. When I pushed the door open and stepped on the threshold, I saw the lantern above my bed. It was lit. There was a flame in the lantern and the lantern was turning clockwise over my bed. At the same moment that I was aware that the lantern was turning, Barley had just come in the door and fell down like somebody had shot him. His whole body collapsed. I entered into something which I don't know how to describe. My whole body seemed to explode. There was a kind of pressure in my head. In the moment of this pressure I hear this.
The way in which we experience things is conditioned through our history and our culture, our background. I spent most of my life being a very arrogant man and somebody who demeaned the intelligence of others. I respected no Authority. There was no one who was going to impose his nature, his will or his thoughts on me. I had never been humiliated in my life. But, all of a sudden, there was this dark hard, cold, male Voice, frightening, with a flavor of intelligence that I did not know and it said to me: "Are you ready to work?" My body exploded. I mean the water in my body exploded. I had rivulets of water coming off the top of my skull. I had a whole pool of my own water that I was standing in. I was like one of these people who runs a marathon for 25 kilometers and gets totally dehydrated and there is no water in the body. The moment that all the water was out of my body, every single muscle of my body began to cramp. It is hard to describe the intensity of the pain. Pain is a very subjective thing. I have an enormous tolerance for pain.
In that experience, I have never known anything so painful in my whole life. That is why I call what was happening to me a rape. My body was violated. I was in agony. All of that happened very quickly. All of that perception - the dog, the light, the Voice, the water. There was a moment where I assumed that I was about to die. It seemed very clear to me. Somewhere inside of me I knew that something was ripping me apart.
Then something very strange happened. There was this sensation. It started in my right hip. I know the place. As a matter of fact, I never have been massaged except for once. The person who did the massage, when they got to that point said: "Oh, you can't touch this point." It was very strange. This place is where the energy body, the energy suit - that is how I call it - started. It feels like when your foot or your hand goes to sleep. There is a deafness, a numbness, but it is also a kind of tingling. It started in my hip and it moved both down and up at the same time. It did not eliminate my pain but it did something to it. I don't know what.
For eight days I lived with this energy sheath around my body, which made it very difficult for me to follow the instructions of the Voice. It was very difficult for me to grip a pen. It was almost impossible. The first day I did not really think that I could do that because I could not feel it in my hand, aside from the fact that it was painful. The only time that the pain would go away was when the Voice talked to me. It was a strange thing. The moment that there was this thing talking to me it suddenly disappeared and I - sort of - floated in a kind of state, where I was there and not there. There was something else there. I have never known anything that was so profound that it made me feel ant-like, tiny, absolutely meaningless.
One has to be very careful about anthropomorphizing one's experiences. I know what I was dealing with. I was dealing with a Design Crystal bundle. It came from the core of our planet and it came into the cavern that was below my ruina. The Human Design System is not in the world because of me. It is in the world because everybody was seeded with this information in those eight days, the whole planet. We were all receptive to the neutrino stream that poured through that crystal bundle. The reality is that the energy that I took in was Yin energy, form energy. That was my experience. But to describe it physically is to understand that this was something incredibly violent. I am designed for shock. The only thing that surprises me about any of this is that I survived to tell the tale."
Several years of experimenting with these revelations followed and, since 1992, Ra Uru Hu has dedicated his life to expounding upon this body of knowledge for the world.
Bron: Living Your Design Student Manual, A Manual for Cellular Transformation (Lynda Bunnell)
Dit is een bijdrage van Barbara Wesselingh, coach & professional Human Design analist. Ik help je vertrouwen op jezelf en de richting in je leven, niet blind, maar met richtingaanwijzers. Spoiler: die heb je in huis.
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